Monday, August 13, 2012

Hybrid Tea Rose

                                     Hybrid teas
The blooms of hybrid tea's are perfect and beautiful. These plants became the most popular class of roses in the 20th century, for it's elegance and beauty. It's popularity declined because of it's reputation as being more high maintenance than many other rose classes. The bush tends to be stiff, upright and sparsely foliaged. Florists sell hybrids as cut flowers, because of its delicate, beautiful flowers with long stems. It will grow 3-6 feet tall, with well formed, single rose to a stem with a high center point. Most of the varieties are fragrant. Make sure it's hardy enough for your zone, hybrid teas are the least cold hardy class of modern roses. This rose can be planted near the garden bench or entrance where it will be easy to cut the roses and enjoy it in a vase. I have 2 hybrids in my garden.
Taking care of hybrid teas:
 1. It needs winter protection for zone 4 and colder, choose a 
variety suited for your climate and zone.
2. Hybrid tea blooms repeatedly, so feed it regularly at least three times a season with a 
fertilizer labeled for rose. Remove spent flower to ensure continual bloom.
3. Protect it in climates colder than Zone 6 with heavy mulching around the base of the plant.
Plant Height:
4-6 feet tall
Plant Width:
2-3 feet wide
Landscape Uses:
containers, beds and borders
Special Features:

attractive foliage, fragrant, cut flowers, easy to grow